DMAC-Live! | Online Testing

DMAC-Live! | Online Testing
10/5/2022, 2:00 PM 3:30 PM

Event: Date: Time: Please review the following information prior to the event. On the day of the meeting:

  • Click the meeting registration link:
  • When prompted, register for the meeting by entering the required information.
  • Once registered, you will be added to the meeting and placed in the waiting room. The meeting host will add participants as they join and will mute participants as necessary.
  • Select "Join Audio from Computer" when prompted if you are using the audio connected to your device. If you will be using audio over the phone, this is not necessary.
  • If using your phone for audio, dial the following number: 346 248 7799
    • Meeting ID: 839 4204 7341
    • If requested, please enter the following Passcode:
    • Please note: This is NOT a toll free number. Long distance charges may apply.
General Information:
  • To reduce the amount of bandwidth needed to connect to the meeting and reduce or prevent any connection problems, as well as limit distractions, it is recommended that you turn off video during the meeting unless you are a presenter or are speaking to the group.
  • Mute audio during the meeting. If you need to speak, you may press and hold the space bar or type your question into the chat box. Once you stop pressing the space bar you will automatically be muted again. You may also unmute by clicking the microphone icon in the lower-left corner of the Zoom screen. You will need to click this icon again once you have finished speaking to mute yourself again.
  • The meeting host may also turn off video or mute participants as necessary.
  • Contact for technical difficulties: Digital Learning - 903.988.6950

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